How To Know If It's Wiegand Compatable?

What is Wiegand?

Wiegand is the communication between a card reader and a controller. Other devices such as finger print readers, keypads, and facial recognition sometimes use Wiegand to communicate. Weigand can communicate in several different bit lenghts. The most common bit length is 26bit. Most of our readers can be configured to communicate in 26bit or 34bit.


The most important thing to ensure compatibility between your card reader and controller is the bit length. The Malibu Access Controller can currently handle 26 and 34 bit Wiegand devices.


Is my RFID card reader Wiegnad compatible?

Our card readers show the Weigand bit length on the back of the RFID reader. Some RFID readers will also have the ability to select Wiegand 26 or Wiegand 34


Are my RFID key fobs or cards Wiegand?

Malibu Access Control cards are either Proximity or Mifare. This is usually a misunderstanding. Wiegand usually deals with communication between the RFID card reader and the controller. Weigenad usually doesn’t not deal with communication between the RIFD card and the reader.


If you have any questions about Wiegand or compatibility, please give us a call and we can help.

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